Mihir Joshi
Meet our students
Born in Mumbai, Mihir Joshi was raised in the Netherlands and came to Illinois because of the strong chemical engineering program, diverse opportunities, and a strong sense of community on the campus. He is majoring in chemical engineering and minoring in the Hoeft Technology & Management program. In 2018, he won first place in the project mangers competition of Illinois Business Consulting, a student-run consulting agency housed in the College of Business.
Why did you choose to study Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering?
I chose chemical engineering because I was, and still am, interested in creatively applying chemistry, physics, and math concepts to solve real-world problems related to sustainability.
What are your academic interests and what activities are you involved in on campus?
- Student in Hoeft Technology & Management Program
- Project Manager at Illinois Business Consulting
- Undergraduate Student Researcher at Kenis Research Group
- Volunteers Coordinator at Engineering Employment EXPO
- Engineering Learning Assistant for ENGINEERING 100
- Halloween Haunted House Co-Director
- Member of Ghungroo Dance Company
What do you love about the ChBE program at Illinois?
The diversity in elective courses offered to chemical engineering students allows for students to explore their interests in different industries in the context of chemical engineering.
Favorite place on campus?
Illini Union Basement
Favorite way to spend your free time?
Hanging out with friends at the Illini Union Rec Room!
What are your post-graduation plans?
After four years here, I learned that I really like to create and design products. For this reason, I will be pursuing a chemical engineering master’s degree with a focus on product design.