Pranav Ghatraju
Meet our Students
Pranav Ghatraju, Undergraduate
Hometown: Westford, MA
Why I chose to study ChBE:
I like the fact that chemical engineers have the opportunity to work in many different industries because of the great repertoire of skills we learn.
Academic Interests and Activities:
Undergraduate Research Assistant, part of the ChBE Undergraduate Advisory Board, and a member of the band Saans.
Favorite Place on Campus:
The Main Quad. I love to sit at the tables outside of the Union and admire the view.
Favorite way to spend my free time:
Practicing tabla (Indian drums), cooking.
What I love about ChBE at Illinois:
My favorite thing about ChBE at Illinois is the fact that students have so many different opportunities to enhance their experience here at U of I. Whether it be joining a research lab or going to schools to teach chemistry to small children, anyone who wants to be apart of these activities can easily join. In addition, you are placed in an environment where a diverse set of people are also on a similar path as you are. This not only diversifies your perspective on life, but you also have the chance to see how many different people tackle problems in many different ways.