Diao named Researcher to Know


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Ying Diao
Professor Ying Diao

Chemical and biomolecular engineering professor Ying Diao was named a Researcher to Know by the Illinois Science & Technology Coalition (ISTC). The ISTC highlights several faculty members from ten different universities across Illinois who exhibit excellence in their work and have recently reached a milestone. This honor recognizes that Diao’s work “illustrate(s) the critical role of Illinois’ university research in the national innovation economy.” 

Diao joined The Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering in 2015, where she is a Dow Chemical Company Faculty Scholar (2015) and was recently named the University Scholar in 2023. She serves as the co-chair of Molecular Science and Engineering at the Beckman Institute of Advanced Science and Technology and thrust lead of the Molecular Maker Lab Institute – a National Science Foundation Artificial Intelligence Institute. She received her Ph.D. in chemical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2012 and completed her postdoctoral training at Stanford University.   

Diao will be recognized at the Illinois Innovation Index on R&D Release event on June 13, 2024, along with the other ISTC Researchers to Know.  

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This story was published June 12, 2024.