PhD student receives Outstanding Graduate Student Member Award from SWE


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Chemical and biomolecular engineering doctoral student Jiachun Shi has been selected as a winner of the Outstanding Graduate Student Member Award by the Society of Women Engineers (SWE). Shi is one of only five graduate students to receive this award, which is one of several awards that are part of the organization’s annual awards program.

“I am honored to be one of the five Outstanding Graduate Student Member Award recipients this year,” Shi said. “Receiving this award is definitely a milestone in my academic journey, and this recognition reinforces my commitment to the SWE mission of empowering women to achieve their full potential in their careers and demonstrating the value of diversity and inclusion. I want to express my gratitude to everyone I interacted with daily and during my past involvement in various graduate student-oriented organizations on and off campus because you all inspire me in different ways. I look forward to contributing more to the mission in the future.”

SWE’s awards program celebrates the trailblazers driving progress within the STEM community and champions the advancement of women in engineering. The 2024 SWE awards honorees include collegiates and professionals from leading companies, organizations, and academic institutions around the world.

“I’m so excited to be able to celebrate these phenomenal award winners this October in Chicago at WE24 where the theme is ‘Together We Rise,'” said Karen Roth, FY25 SWE president. “We received well over a thousand submissions, and this group of awardees showed us how they embody the mission of SWE and inspire others along the way across the global landscape. These truly are some of the best engineers and scientists in the world.”

The full list of winners is available at

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This story was published September 9, 2024.