Undergrads honor ChBE grad student with teaching award


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Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering’s Undergraduate Advisory Board has begun an effort to recognize the department’s outstanding teaching assistants. The first recipient is ChBE graduate student Maggie Bridgewater. Congratulations Maggie!

This is the first semester the undergraduate group has presented awards to TAs. Members hope to continue the practice every semester, said Palak Patel, a member of the department’s Undergraduate Advisory Board.

M.Bridgewater TA award
Graduate student Maggie Bridgewater

The undergraduate group solicited nominations from students and Bridgewater was chosen “because of her incredible dedication to teaching. Teaching is not a graduate student’s main focus, so it is impressive that she’s able to do both (research and teach),” Patel said.

Bridgewater was most recently a TA for CHBE 422: Mass Transfer Operations.

“It was very kind of the students to present this award to me, and I am happy I was able to be helpful to them!” Bridgewater said.

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This story was published May 10, 2017.